Friday, September 18, 2009

Flair and Blanched.

last night i saw by chance a comedy bit by Mr. Sean Hannity (i'm glad you're here sean...). its not as if anyone doesn't know who cares, but fox news is becoming a very odd place. more and more do they manufacture a truth according to their own needs. the video i've posted below is pretty good but better is when he interviewed 3 politicians: two republicans and one democrat. during this portion it very much seemed like the crowd was queued to boo the democrat and cheer anything and everything the republicans said. also, hannity his self would allow the booing (to a point that you couldn't even hear what the man was saying) and then shush the crowd when it was the republicans turn to speak. also, the highly notable stuck-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place uncomfortable look the republican fellow in the middle (i wish i had names!) had going was priceless.  

how is the governments decision to stop the removal of water from the canal the source of the drought? i mean, if this valley was so fucking fertile, why do they need the water from this man-made and man-contained water system? isn't california in a drought already, aside from the governments decision?

i'll say, i think its a little crazy what the government is doing. but even crazier is how the food production and distribution systems work in the United States. maybe the problems we face are much, much bigger and farther back, only coming to haunt us now in a way that forces us to pay attention. 

anyway, here is the video with paul rodriguez and Inga Barks(?). not as good as the portion of the show i am referring to but it will do for now. when the rest of the show is posted i will put it up here:

1 comment:

Jimah said...

The best part is that if weren't for the government intervening and building that reservoir in 1935, they would be living in a fucking desert.